Donations Now Available

I've been in the studio at Alexander Recording Kompany for the past few weeks working on The Wire Frames' debut album.  It has been a great experience and the songs are turning out really well.  Alexander Recording Kompany charges $35 per hour for studio time, which is a ridiculously good deal considering the quality of what they're churning out, but those $35 hours start to take a toll on a band that's still trying to get off the ground.  Thanks to the wonderful people at PayPal, you can now make a donation to The Wire Frames to help out. You can donate any amount that you'd like, be it $1 or $100.  Donations of $35 or more will be rewarded with a free CD, fresh off the press, which will hopefully be available in late June or early July, and a thanks in the liner notes.

If you don't feel like helping out with studio costs but still feel guilty about accepting the free music offered on the site, or if your tax rebate is burning a hole in your pocket, then you can use the Donate button for that too . . .

To make a donation click the Donate button in the side bar or below.  There you will be prompted to enter an amount and either log into your PayPal account or pay with a major credit card.

Thanks a million (or thirty five),
